Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Blog posts are usually light-hearted and funny, and they are usually just little happenings in our lives that keep our friends and family updated on our day to day activities. But yesterday, someone inspired me and I wanted to share it with you.

Lately, I have been overwhelmed with the realization that Greg and I will be bringing home a newborn in a few short months. I've been doing so much reading on "pregnancy" and hardly any on the concept of parenting. So, in the past week or so, I've been reading about parenting ideas, techniques, theories, etc. Greg and I have been discussing what we think is a good plan and what might not work for us. Its been pretty exhausting (and the baby isn't even here yet!). If you search Amazon for "Parenting" books, you'll find thousands. There are literally all types of books on the subject. Needless to say, I'm not that fast of a reader.

So, obviously, the subject has been on my mind. Well, recently someone I know shared something with me that really opened my mind. It was truly one of those moments that I believe God was speaking to me through someone in my life. This person isn't a friend, just an acquaintance. He's a great guy and someone I've always thought was kind, sharing and friendly - and for the purposes of this blog will remain nameless (as I don't have his permission to share his story). He has three children, with the oldest being 11. He's married and works very hard at his job. Recently, he shared that he hadn't had much sleep lately. It seems, he's a foster parent too. On top of raising three wonderful kids, he also has been fostering kids from his community for the last three years! His most recent addition to his family is a set of 6 week old TWINS! Can you imagine? His life has been flipped upside down. He has reverted back to middle of the night feedings, changing diapers and rocking babies -TWO babies. He does all this work knowing that these babies can be taken back at anytime. He's working in this new role with his current job - father of three, husband and full-time worker. Most of us get frantic thinking about caring for one newborn, much less two.

As I said earlier, I'm overwhelmed with the idea that Greg and I will be responsible for parenting our own child. But can you imagine parenting another person's child too? This acquaintance of mine showed me yesterday that you don't need a parenting concept or theory. You just need to be SELFLESS. I've talked to new mothers who say, "you'll not even remember your life before the baby." Sometimes I would think.... are they just so exhausted they don't remember? Are they so sleep deprived they CAN'T remember? After hearing this story yesterday, I guess you just don't CARE to remember. This guy and his family are giving their time, their energy and their lives to care for two babies they just met. Not to mention, they are a living example to their three kids on how to serve your community and help others.

I'm sure some of you reading this can relate to this story in some way or another. I'm not writing this to be an advocate for foster care (I do think its wonderful though). And I'm not writing this to be moving or inspirational; I'm just writing my thoughts and "day to day activities" for you to read. Happy New Year!