Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jake Passed!

Great news! Jake passed both hearing tests today in both ears! Greg and I took him to Children's Hospital this morning at 9 a.m. Jake slept through both tests and was a perfect, little angel. A friend of ours, Megan Powell, works at the ACH Audiology clinic, so she was able to sit with us during the test and explain everything. It was GREAT to have a familiar face there.

Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers over the past three weeks. We are so grateful. God is so good!

My sweet little boy getting his ears checked. We go back at 12 months for a repeat test, but for now--- all is well!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jake's hearing test tomorrow

As some of you may know, Jake failed his hearing test in the hospital. He was retested and passed in one ear, but still failed in his left. While this is a pretty common occurrance in babies, it is particuarly concerning for us. I have a long line of hearing loss in my family, including myself. SOOO....we're going to Children's Hospital tomorrow for a repeat test. Please pray for Jake that he will pass with flying colors!

I'll update you soon on the results.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

3 weeks today!

Its hard to believe, but its been three weeks since our little guy was born. Its been both the shortest and longest three weeks of my life. On the one hand, it seems to fly by, with Jake changing every day. On the other hand, the lack of sleep makes it seem like the longest three week ever!

Jake had his first trip to Hot Springs this weekend...of course he's still a bit young to be hitting the lake! :) We just hung out in the condo and watched the water. Other than that, he's just hanging out at home with mom. We have sarted venturing out in the stroller early in the morning and in the evening right before dark. He seems to really like it...on most days! Jake definitely has his moments of fussiness, where he'll change his mind on you in a flash! We end up just rushing back home when the screaming starts. We've even been known to just let Dad pick him up and walk back home! I'm sure the neighbors get a kick out of that.

Here are a few picks of our little one...

Greg's grandpa holding Jake

My nephew, Hunter, meeting Jake for the first time

My niece, Ashton, and Jake

Waking Pappaw up from a nap with Jake

Tummy time---usually lasts 5 minutes!