Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jake Passed!

Great news! Jake passed both hearing tests today in both ears! Greg and I took him to Children's Hospital this morning at 9 a.m. Jake slept through both tests and was a perfect, little angel. A friend of ours, Megan Powell, works at the ACH Audiology clinic, so she was able to sit with us during the test and explain everything. It was GREAT to have a familiar face there.

Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers over the past three weeks. We are so grateful. God is so good!

My sweet little boy getting his ears checked. We go back at 12 months for a repeat test, but for now--- all is well!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that Jake passed his hearing tests. I know that is such a relief and blessing to hear. He is a cutie!
